Only spent 2 nights in Zihuatenajo cuz I had been there the week before. But had a shit load of stuff to do the one day I was there. I had a bunch of clothes to wash, banking and wanted to contribute something to share at the party! So of course not being a great cook I decided to bake cookies. But of course being in Mexico it can’t be just ordinary cookies but grass cookies. Yeah I know a lot of u are going to say “What a stupid idiot using grass in Mexico”. But that’s why I was going to bake it so no one can tell ur doing it!
So try baking cookies in a hostel when they don’t have a stove! So what I did was get some cooking oil and nothing but the best for me as got Canola oil from Canada! So I boiled the weed for 2 hrs in the oil until all the THC was removed in the oil. So just strained the oil to remove the grass and had cooking oil. Then used the oil to make my first batch of cookies. So went to the internet and got a recipe to bake cookies on the stovetop cuz no one seems to have an oven here in Mexico. So baked my peanut butter, oat meal chocolate cookies on the stove top. But substituted the butter in the recipe with my grass oil. So thought this should be great but unfortunately the cookies dough never got hard so put it in the freezer. But it must have been all the oil I put in the cookies so it never got hard.
So talk about standing over a hot stove! All the others in the hostel went to the beach and hiked up a mtn and did some caving. So if I knew they were going to do that I would have gone to but didn’t want to lay on the beach. So bottom line was it wasn’t a big seller as it didn’t look appetizing but it tasted good. But hey what do u expect from an amateur baking cooking in a hostel.
But we had some great salsa and guacamoli sp? made by Brooke this sweet girl from Boston who’s living in the hostel while she teaches English. Then there was this girl Iko-Sophie who is Japanese American who’s father’s Japanese and mother is French Canadian. So she can talk French perfectly but can’t speak a lick of Japanese cuz her dad couldn’t either. Seems to be a common thing among us Japanese that we can’t speak any Japanese. When I heard the name Iko I immediately thought of the song Iko Iko. Greg the owner of the hostel is Canadian and his wife Angela is Mexican. Plus he had a Canadian friend Mike there too. Plus a couple of other Amercians Nathan and Dutch Jorrit.
Anyway the Election had a great result so that was all that mattered.
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