Where am I?

Created this blog to document my travels, experiences & thoughts thru Central & South America but hell plan to blog my travels to where ever. Goofy harmless Free Spirit hoping to spend most of my time with locals & enjoy the world! So hang on as I travel, drink cervezas, raise a little hell, maybe piss off a few people & hopefully not give Canadians a bad reputation! Of course don't do these things on purpose but while having a good time well "Shit Happens"!

Friday, March 2, 2012

What the hell is that but an Aquarium in Dubai!!!


There's a bunch of my postings that I haven't finished or added my thoughts or experiences to as yet! But hey it's only been 3 or 4 months so will get around to it soon insha'allah! So if u want to read wtf went on well check back again in another 3 or 4 months time!
