San Cristobal is a beautiful city built a few 1000 meters so it’s dam cold there at night! We checked into the Backpackers Hostel which has it’s dorms built around a center court yard. It’s warm in the day but as soon as the sun sets it gets dam cold. The dorms are cold cuz they have no insulation as half the time ppl forget to shut the door and I was in a 14 bed dorm. So every night there’s a bonfire outside for ppl to stay warm as there’s no place to get warm except maybe your bed. There’s a tv area but it’s cold too! But along with the campfire comes the drinking too. It got to be quite noisy around the campfire especially when we had to get more wood cuz the wood was on the roof and ppl would throw the wood off the roof and the guy looking after the place would come running to tell us to keep the sound down. But it’s a great place to meet all the ppl staying at the hostel!
In our first stay all we got around to do was rent scooters to explore places. It took us a real long time to find the way out of the city as we kept going around in circles. But we did manage to make it to these caves. But they weren’t too exciting to see but the scooter ride was great!
Also met some great people there. There were the 2 Solvenian chicks which I nicknamed La Presidente cuz she was 1/6 owner of a multimedia website company called or something. There was her friend who I called Gypsy cuz she rolled her own cigarettes all the time, wore some different clothes always with a scarf and didn’t have a real job. They were a lot of fun as we just hung out and laughed. La Presidente carried some Sovenian Snapps that her uncle makes with her. Boy it was powerful shit worse than Mezcal. We spent a few nights around the campfire with them and travelled to Palenque with them.
There were also the German/Erithrea girl named Adyam who was really nice and was hot! She was a lot of fun and drank a couple beers with her. Then there were the Noreigean, English, Aussie, American and other people met around the fire. A couple of Canadian chicks from Vancouver Island even bought some marsh mellows one night.
So after a couple nights around the campfire Jake and I left for a quick visit to Palenque.
Then when we came back we came back at 4 am as bad planning. So we ended up sleeping in the TV room as the dorms were all full.
On our second trip back to San Cristobal we took a river ride up to this canyon which was awesome. Met 2 Aussie chicks that were in the Morelia hostel for Day of the Dead.\

San Cristobal was a great city but cold as hell at night which was the reason for the campfire and drinking.
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