I like Belize what I’ve seen of it so far. Placencia is a small town on this spit of land jutting out into the Carribean. It’s qute small with about 1000 people mostly Creoles (descendents of Africans) and very laid back. I like the black people on the island as I’ve always gotten along with them and their laid back ways. They’re a little different than the Spanish speaking people in that they’re not very aggressive in selling things or having u come to their hotel, etc. Checked into this small place Omar’s Place and we asked if they wanted us to register but they said tomorrow’s OK. Omar’s quite a character and likes to talk so him and I get along great.
We’ve hit a problem cuz the weather has turned cooler with wind and rain. But people in a place always say “It’s suppose to be unusual for Dec as it should be hot!” But I can always move on but I kinda like this place as so chilled that I’ll hang around here a couple days to check out the scene.
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