So staying in La Ceibe the port town where all the ferries leave for Utila and Roantan Islands for diving and just vacation. There isn't much to do here as this town is mostly for travellers hanging out to catch the ferries to Utila, Roantan or the other islands in the Bay of Islands.
There's also a place run by the Banana Republic hostel in the nearby jungle where a person can do Zip Lining, Whitewater rafting, etc. We didn't bother doing it cuz it costs $35 USD and that is too much for something I've done before. So we just checked out the bars in the bar zone but the area is a bit sleezy for us as there are a lot of hookers, etc. So we bought some beer and drank at the hostel. Met up with this Canadian couple from Toronto who are motorcycling from Toronto to Argentina. He's Romanian and she's French from France and they decided to move to Nice, France (good people to keep in touch with if I make it to France). So they sold all their stuff in Toronto. Sent his crotch rocket bike to France along with their stuff. Then they bought 2 - 650 cc road bikes and are biking to Argentina. Then they'll sell their bikes (under the table as they have to sign a form in most countries saying they won't sell their bikes) and go to France. Nice people.
Well we woke up at 8 am on Sun and caught the 8:30 bus to the west coast of Honduras. The dam bus ride was an all day trip. We finally got to Tegucicpoga sp. the capital of Honduras around 5 pm. The city is a shit hole like most major cities in Central America. So didn't want to stay there but it was getting dark and we were looking for the bus station to catch a bus to this other city near the Nicaurguan border. It was looking a bit iffy about finding this bus station. Both of us speak little Spanish so it was a bit of joke asking directions to the bus station. So we saw a place called Hotel California where would be our bed for the night if things didn't work out. But we kept walking and saw this man and daughter with bags sitting on the street corner. We did manage to communicate that we were looking for this bus to this city. As it turned out he was going there so we waited and manage to catch a bus to this place.
Boy some bus station as it was only a bus stop on the street and not an actual station! The guy told us it was only a 1 hr bus ride there. But it turned out to be 3 hrs with people standing in the aisle and leaning on us.
We managed to get to the city at 9 pm in the dark. The whole city was dead so we caught a taxi to this hostel that was in Lonely Planet as the driver knew the place. So he drives us to this dark street and says here's the hostel. There was no lights on or sign of a hostel so we said take us to this other hostel. Luckily it was open but had a TV which was a real novelty. We wanted a bite to eat cuz we didn't eat all day. The only place open was a Chinese restuarant. Yeah I know what the heck would someone immigrate from China to a top Chinese food spot like Nowhere Honduras?? Beats me. But it looked open so we moseyed over. The door had a caste iron door with a slot to get the meal u order. What the locals do is ring the bell, place their order and wait for their order through this slot in the door! Made us think it was a prison or something but the meal came from inside the restuarant. Jake the Snake my Dutch travelling partner and I went to door and asked if we could go in. The Lady checked us over and must have thought we looked OK to eat in their restuarant. So the husband came and unlocked the massive door and let us in. Then she asked if I was Japanese or Japones pronunced like haponese? That must have been the key to getting in! I ordered a Corn and chicken soup which I thought tasted pretty good! But after eating torillas, refried beans and burritos for the past 2 months a little Hondoruan Chinese food was a great change. Of course Snake had to down 2 beers cuz he's a bit of a piss tank.
Hey we got to watch a couple of movie spectaulars like Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Jusasic Park 3 or 4. But hey when u havein't seen tve for a few months it's good to spend the time.
Well another day of travelling through Central America!
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