Found BA to be a large city in the same mode as an European one! It was nice and great city to walk around not that saw a lot of it but definitely more than I saw of La Paz!

One night I bought a tkt to a BA premiere league football match. It was more than I wanted to spend about the equivalence of $50. But what the heck I would not be to attend one again & I heard they were an experience! However never having gone to a football match & not knowing the rules I felt I may get bored! So I swallowed a hand ful of weed and downed it with a bunch of vodka before we left on our bus.

Well by the time we got to the game I was starting to feel pretty wasted! We were all to stick together cuz it was easy to get lost and not find the ppl you go with and find the bus after the game! Well we no sooner got off the bus & lost my mates and couldn't find them till the end of the game. I had a tkt but couldn't figure out where I was suppose to sit. But found out later that no one actually sat down but stood the whole game. I found it hard to see the game not cuz I was wasted but everyone stood. Plus I couldn't tell how much time was left in the game or what the score was as they have no clock or scoreboard! I realized that the football stadiums in BA were no where near the quality of the stadiums in the US & Canada!

I decided that I should leave before the game ended cuz I didn't want to get trampled on the rush to leave as I was pretty wasted. But not knowing Spanish I couldn't ask anyone the time left, score, etc. So I guess I left about 1/2 time to find either a taxi or the bus! But couldn't find a taxi driver as they were all busy watching the match! So figured Id have to wait on the bus but had no clue where it was parked. So I wandered around for a long time looking for the bus. Well I knew no Spanish and also didn't know the name of the hostel we were staying.
So after wandering around I finally found where the buses were parked but didn't know which one to get on. So I laid down by a bush and rested waiting for the game to end. I just pictured myself lost in BA and not knowing where I was staying. So that was my experience at an Argentinan footbal match!

It's odd but in BA no one goes out to a bar or club until 1 or 2 am any night of the week1 So we would drink in the bar at the hostel till it closed and then head out for the rest of the night!

Stayed at a hostel which was nice but it was another party hostel so after a few night there 2 of us moved to a chill hostel which was a lot nicer! Met and hung with a couple of Irish, South African and couple of Americans, etc.

When I was at my dentist in Vancouver he had told me about dental implants instead of a root canal and crown as I kept breaking my root canal! He told me that they were quite a bit cheaper in Argentina. So when I got to BA I checked out and found an English speaking dentist who performed teeth implants as I had 2 I wanted done. So I found this nice young English speaking dentist who explained what he was performing and the cost. What is required is to have the implant drilled into the jaw bone. Then I had to come in another day to have a Post added to the implant. Then I'd have to wait at least 6 months to add a crown to the Post. So I got the implant and post added for $1500 USD for 2 teeth. In Canada it would have cost me approx. $3000. Now I have to get the Crowns added but not sure if I'll get it done in Canada or fly back to BA to get it done. I would save about $3500 getting it done there so the money I save I could buy a return tkt there again.

But I realized that in BA it was deja vu all over from my stay in La Paz. Cuz I was still staying up all night and sleeping all day. So I decided to book my flight home to Vancouver and at least enjoy the summer since I was doing nothing much in BA too! No regrets cuz now I have a reason to return to check out Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia & Uraguay & maybe head back to Venezuela to check out Angel Falls (in the rainy season) & Table Mtn. But don't plan too far in advance so who knows!
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