I only had the choice of one bus to take so of course it was first class. But this was OK cuz I would be sleeping on it for the night so it was good to have a little comfort. The problem with Mexican’s buses are they play their videos at full blast! Dam is it ever noisy so I went up to the driver to ask if he could turn the sound down as we were trying to sleep. But he had his own music on really loud so didn’t understand me. So I put on my own music and got some sleep. Lucky for me the guy in the seat next to me was getting off at the same town so he woke me up in time to get off.
I got off in the dark to find that it was only 3 AM. The thing was we crossed the time zone plus I didn’t realize that they change from Day light saving time that night. So I thought dam I’d have to kill a few hours before things open. So I would have wait to till 7 and then head to the hostel. But when I checked my computer I had save some data about the hostel & it had 24 hr check in so thought hey I could head there right away.
I was going to take a taxi but the driver for some reason (must have been a rich dude) said it’s very close so u can walk there. So I started walking there with the directions he gave me. However I realized there were a couple small problems. Mexico is like the U2 song "Where the Streets have No Name" or at least they have no signs. Plus when people tell u 2 blocks it can turn out to be 6 or 8 blocks. So long story short I got lost and carrying my pack is a bit tiring plus it was 4 AM and dark. A couple of taxis came along and wanted to charge me 25 pesos to the hostel but I felt I was really close so kept walking. Then I got to the point that I had walked darn near to downtown but was still lost. I was a bit pissed at myself cuz I was lost and getting a bit tired. So I went to this grassy protected area in a traffic circle to rest. Took off my pack and leaned up against it and next thing I knew I fell asleep. The traffic noise woke me up and it was light. So I continued my search of the hostel. I felt like a person lost in a snow storm who perishes and is found 200 ft from safety as I found the hostel 2 blocks away from where I had rested. But what the heck it was nice and cool outside so I got a good sleep for 3 hrs plus I found the hostel. So all’s well that ends well.
It’s really great to stay at this hostel as the owners are so friendly and it's like a home. They are Greg (a transplanted Canadian from Vancouver) and his Mexican wife Angela hence the name Angela’s Hostel. The hostel is in Angela’s name and Greg is employed by her so he can get a work permit which he renews yearly. The hostel is small but hanging out there has been great as we've watch World Series the past couple nights. There are also a few Mexicans, Aussies, Canadians, Americans, Europeans staying so it’s nice to talk to travellers to get tips of other places. But hey I’m also still working on my Spanish but it’s a slow work in progress.
Zihuantanejo is a nice town which has some tourists but nothing like Ixtapa which was built about 6 or 7 Kms away over some big hills. Ixtapa is definitely a resort town with it’s 5 Star resorts and long beaches like Cancun or Nuevo Vallarta near Puerto Vallarta. I've been here before and am familiar with the beaches. So went for a run down Laropa beach this morning before it got really hot. But the heat doesn’t bother me but the humidity sure does cuz it’s a lot more humid at this time of year than in Dec when I was here last time.
Hey this was the Mexican town that I got my first tattoo and piercings cuz they were cheap. But think the shop that did it is no longer around. So any idea of doing that again will have to be forgotten. But anyone that knows me probably feels I don’t need more.
So will spend another day here, leave my pack here and catch a bus to Morelia to catch the Day of the Dead Festival this weekend. One of the biggest celebration of this Festival happens in Patzcuaro a small village near Morelia. So think I’ll stay in Morelia cuz it will be hard to find accommodations in Patzcuaro. Then after the weekend I’ll return to Zihuatanejo for a day or so to pick up my pack and maybe go check out Acapulco. I had thought of giving it a miss cuz thought it was too touristy and pricey. But apparently there’s a hostel there that has Japanese style rooms with just a bed and room for a bag. So will check it out and the Cliff Jumping! Wonder if they'll let idiots like me try it??
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