I had planned to hitch hike to Skopje Macedonia from Sofia, Bulgaria but shi lost the map which Elena drew me to find my way out of Sofia to the city. So I realized shit I'm going to have to take a bus or it was going to take me hours to find my way out to the correct highway so I could start hitching. So caught a bus for Skopje Macedonia and had no real trouble except the Customs people sure do a thorough job going thru my bags leaving Bulgaria. When I got to Skopje I checked to some if this couch surfing friend of Tsvetan was around but she was traveling. I didn't want tobe hosted necessarily but wanted to meet some local people to hang out and meet'. So I decided screw it I'd go on to Ohrid in the south west of the country by Albania. Cus I wanted to head to there anyway so I got there a day or so earlier.
Ohrid is a small city of 50,000 which is set up for tourism but I was there a week or so earlier than the touristy season started thank God! Yeah cus it would probably be a bit unbearable to be there in the thick of tourist season cus people in this part of the world really get into the tourist role when on vacation and don't care the rpice or whatever but just want to be cateeed to it seems. Yeah liked the city but have to say they have the worse selection of food! Cus if u dislike hamburgers and don't eat pizza too often than you're kind of in toruble for food! So I ate a lot of gyros as they call them here but shuwarma, and donairs in other countries! So I ate a lot of fresh fruit and veggies cus got tired of the diet in a tourist town when they figure eveyone likds hamburgers (hate tahat shit) pizza &even hot dogs!

A nice sort of crep desert type food that was good but can be a bit sweet!

I met & became friends with Mitko a tattoo artists who's work I liked www.mitkotattoo.com


Did a housestay at this Macedonian fa!mily and enoyed talking and learning about Macedonia and Ohrid especially the 2 teenage kids as they could speak better English lence_roooms_ohrid@yaho.com +38946268608

The grandfather was also staying with them.

Went for a long hike around some of the lake to enjoy the scenery!

Ohrid is a small city of 50,000 which is set up for tourism but I was there a week or so earlier than the touristy season started thank God! Yeah cus it would probably be a bit unbearable to be there in the thick of tourist season cus people in this part of the world really get into the tourist role when on vacation and don't care the rpice or whatever but just want to be cateeed to it seems. Yeah liked the city but have to say they have the worse selection of food! Cus if u dislike hamburgers and don't eat pizza too often than you're kind of in toruble for food! So I ate a lot of gyros as they call them here but shuwarma, and donairs in other countries! So I ate a lot of fresh fruit and veggies cus got tired of the diet in a tourist town when they figure eveyone likds hamburgers (hate tahat shit) pizza &even hot dogs!
A nice sort of crep desert type food that was good but can be a bit sweet!
I met & became friends with Mitko a tattoo artists who's work I liked www.mitkotattoo.com
Did a housestay at this Macedonian fa!mily and enoyed talking and learning about Macedonia and Ohrid especially the 2 teenage kids as they could speak better English lence_roooms_ohrid@yaho.com +38946268608
The grandfather was also staying with them.
Went for a long hike around some of the lake to enjoy the scenery!
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