But dam if I don't find out when I returned back that I had no place to live anymore! Cuz I had sub leased my place to this chick from Kansas who is getting her Phd here. So she subleased it from Oct to June! But unbeknownst to me the girl signed her own lease with pressure from the Mgr! That didn't tick me off so much as no one told me that I was out in the cold so to speak without my place! So it's a good thing I didn't return in June expecting to move back in!!!

But the upside is I don't have it hanging over my head that I have to return on a particular date anymore! So I free as a bird (Free Spirit) to do whatever & how long I please as no ties to draw me back except of course family! But they're understanding and as long as I let them know my plans and am OK!

So on April 15 I'm heading back to Caracus, Venezuela to continue on my journey of South America for 3 or 4 months! But may stay longer and maybe teach English in Buenos Aires, Argentina cuz met a guy who said it's easy to do!

But my plans change daily so who knows what I'll end up doing. I applied for my Brazilian Visa at the Brazilian Consulate in Vancouver. But they need proof of a ticket entering and exiting Brazil, the dates & entry & exit points! Well hell the way I travel I have no idea how, when or where I'm going so hard to show them proof! Also I'm taking a bus in and out of Brazil so how do I show them a bus ticket! So will probably try for the Visa when I get to a country next to Brazil! But if I don't make it to Brazil well "c'est la vie" which is French cuz I don't speak Portuguese, Spanish & actually French but speak a wild version of Lithuanian (haha).
So I've been catching up on my sleep and communicating with friends I've met! Also posting pics on Facebook and this Blog!
Almost fell into doing a 2 month contract to make some well needed money! But alas faith intervened and I didn't get it! This was too bad cuz could use the cash but on the other hand it was a relief too! Cuz now I don't need to try & find a place to live for 2 months or so! Actually will have to do that if I return to Vancouver in the future! Cuz a man with no home is like a hermit, drifter, vagabond, bum, etc!

A vagabond is an itinerant person. Such people may be called drifters, tramps, rogues, or hobos. A vagabond is characterised by almost continuous travelling, lacking a fixed home, temporary abode, or permanent residence. Vagabonds are not bums, as bums are not known for travelling, preferring to stay in one location.
So the following utube song pretty well sums up what I'm about to do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEAQ3CoUHFk&NR=1
So will be back blogging some thing more interesting in a couple weeks! But in the meantime in case u're bored well u can have a peek at some of my other blog postings.
Hope u enjoyed reading the postings & they didn't bore u more than u already were!
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