Where am I?

Created this blog to document my travels, experiences & thoughts thru Central & South America but hell plan to blog my travels to where ever. Goofy harmless Free Spirit hoping to spend most of my time with locals & enjoy the world! So hang on as I travel, drink cervezas, raise a little hell, maybe piss off a few people & hopefully not give Canadians a bad reputation! Of course don't do these things on purpose but while having a good time well "Shit Happens"!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crazy time in Istanbul Oct 2011 so came back in Dec & Jan 2012Dhabi, UAE back to Istanbul!!!


Here's some pictures of "Crazy time in Istanbul Oct 2011 so came back in Dec & Jan 2012"

Had the shittiest luck on the trip! In Istanbul was staying at a shitty cold hostel which didn't have a computer that worked! Then mine didn't work either as I accidently knocked my computer off a desk and F*cked up the screen!

I was going to add more wood to the stove to keep the place warm! Yeah the hostel was so f*ckin cold as we only had a wooden stove to keep the room warm! Well thought Budget traveling is like camping in the old west 100 years ago & now it is! Well there were so many cords hanging around that I accidently knocked my computer on the floor and then can’t view the screen! So connected my computer to the desktop monitor! But shit couldn’t carry the monitor around with me traveling or could I?

Anyway when a person travels alone their computer is their best friend except for the nearest bar!! We can access our email, Facebook, update our travel blog, listen & store out music, view and store our pictures, some people watch downloaded movies, etc The guy working at the was like a Mexican mechanic as he figured he could fix the computer screen in a hr if he could get the part! But it was Sat and all the shops were closed till Mon so had to wait a couple days!

So had to get my computer screen repaired so good thing cuz was worried that would be back to spending more $$$ in the bars and clubs getting shitfaced! Oh well done it before so nothing new!!! LOL

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